while Google is continuosly lambasted for its privacy issues, corporate survellience and general widespread #
datamining really, it is not just the US based tech giants that are doing this! check out #
xiaomi #
MIUI for example!!

earlier today, after a #
wipe and #
reflash of the closed #
beta .img of #
mi rom #
MIUI12 (running #
android10)10 minutes later, after my phone once again, gets #
lockeddown by this flagship #
chinarom - it opens a fresh!
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro (violet) requires a persistent link to an IMEI & thereby, also your phone, directly.
- Terms, Conditions, Privacy Policies etc. - this makes for some interesting reading. [screenshots required]
- Permissions. (simply, all the rights you give to the operating system)
- Always On...& always listening!!
OrwellWasRight Big Brother is Watching You. (whichever one it might be!)