our three founding principles
* learn
* discover
* growas our #training provision has a strong lein towards the #restoration of our living #environment
and as our focus is primarily on #regenerative-education, we shall preface our works with re:
This should allow for better collation of materials and information using 'hashtags' for referencing.
#relearn * #rediscover * #regrowIn a collaborative effort between @
twoquarters training, @
Las Alpujarras: a FairCoop subnode & the
Alpujarra Rising Collective we shall soon be launching our local outdoor education network.
r.e.a.l. - red de educación al aire libre
get in touch if you are interested in,
i) assisting in the project's #
developmentii) participating with a #
betatest iii) or in any other way that can #
support this initiative